On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 07:18:24AM -0800, Adrian Klaver wrote:

> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/interactive/pgupgrade.html
> "If an error occurs while restoring the database schema, pg_upgrade will
> exit and you will have to revert to the old cluster as outlined in step 16
> below.

Thanks for pointing this out. Debian made it fairly easy to
pick up the old cluster (they provide quite nice wrappers). I
am firmly seated on 9.4 again, which in itself has been doing
excellent duty.

> To try pg_upgrade again, you will need to modify the old cluster so
> the pg_upgrade schema restore succeeds. If the problem is a contrib module,
> you might need to uninstall the contrib module from the old cluster and
> install it in the new cluster after the upgrade, assuming the module is not
> being used to store user data."

I am, indeed, using pg_trgm for an index on patients' names
so I will likely have to DROP / CREATE EXTENSION for
upgrading the cluster, and re-create the index after the
upgrade :-(

No problem for me but will need meticulous documentation and
instructions to end users (GPs, physical therapists ... ;-)

Thanks for answering,
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