On 2 September 2015 at 00:12, cchee-ob <carter.c...@objectbrains.com> wrote:
> Craig,
> By an existing  database, I mean I have a database that has our data on it.
> I have created the btree_gist and bdr extensions and ran the
> bdr.bdr_group_create () function and the bdr.bdr_node_join_wait_for_ready(),
> all run successfully.  After setting up the next BDR node, and after running
> bdr.bdr_group_join() function I run the bdr.bdr_node_join_wait_for_ready()
> function it just sits there and nothing returns.  It doesn't look like it's
> replicating data either.

As I said above, please check the PostgreSQL logs on both nodes. That
should generally be more informative. Also please show the output of
select * from bdr.bdr_nodes from both nodes.

The database for the 2nd node you were joining should've been
completely blank before you tried to join it. Was it? Try CREATE
DATABASE ... TEMPLATE template0; to make sure.

> What is the best practice for creating a BDR environment with 2 BDR nodes
> and 1 UDR node?

At this time UDR and BDR don't mix especially well. It's something
we're working to address, but is lower priority than getting more of
the underlying functionality into PostgreSQL 9.6 and streamlining the
user experience.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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