On 28 August 2015 at 00:35, cchee-ob <carter.c...@objectbrains.com> wrote:
> What exactly does bdr_node_wait_for_ready() do?  I've been trying to setup
> BDR on an existing database and once I run the select
> bdr.bdr_node_wait_for_ready(); command on the 2nd node after running the
> bdr.bdr_group_join() command it just hangs .  I've done the same setup
> procedure on brand new nodes and have no issue with this command and BDR
> works fine.  Is there anything that can be done to insure this command
> executes properly on an existing database?
Check the PostgreSQL logs on the node(s).

The wait for ready function does just that - it waits. If the node
never joins properly and never reaches the ready state, it'll wait

There is presumably an issue with the node joining. To learn more
you'll need to take a look at the log files. We cannot, unfortunately,
have bdr_node_join wait until the join completes, because it's
necessary to co-ordinate with background workers, commit multiple
transactions, etc.

It's not clear from your description what you mean by "on an existing
database". Details?

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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