Thanks Melvin, Joshua, PT and Steve!

your information is good.  Im looking for creating a catalog for my
application schema.  Do you have anything that you use for catalog of your
schema.  Maybe using excel.


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Melvin Davidson <>

> Try this query and see if it fulfills your needs. Adjust the WHERE clause
> as needed.
>        table_catalog as database,
>        table_schema as schema,
>        table_name as table,
>        column_name as column,
>        ordinal_position as position,
>        column_default as default,
>        is_nullable,
>        data_type as type,
>        character_maximum_length as max_length
>    FROM information_schema.columns
>  WHERE table_name LIKE 'T%'
> ORDER BY table_catalog,
>          table_schema,
>          table_name,
>          ordinal_position;
> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:28 PM, Joshua D. Drake <>
> wrote:
>> On 05/05/2015 01:13 PM, Suresh Raja wrote:
>>>     Hi All:
>>> I have tables with different versions in the same schema.  Like
>>> T1a, T1b, T1c
>>> T2a, T2b, T2c, T2d
>>> ....
>>> ...
>>> etc.
>>> I'm interested in documenting various version of tables, may be in excel
>>> sheet or may be in another schema in the database.  I would like to
>>> store information on table name, column names, column order, pry key
>>> column etc.  Also is there a way I can reverse engineer from the
>>> database itself.
>>> Let me know if anybody any suggestion or format that they used.  I
>>> appreciate all your help and shall be suitably acknowledged.
>> Take a look at sqitch.
>> JD
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Suresh Raja
>> --
>> Command Prompt, Inc. -  503-667-4564
>> PostgreSQL Centered full stack support, consulting and development.
>> Announcing "I'm offended" is basically telling the world you can't
>> control your own emotions, so everyone else should do it for you.
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> *Melvin Davidson*
> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

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