On Tue, 5 May 2015 15:13:42 -0500
Suresh Raja <suresh.raja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have tables with different versions in the same schema.  Like
> T1a, T1b, T1c
> T2a, T2b, T2c, T2d
> ....
> ...
> etc.
> I'm interested in documenting various version of tables, may be in excel
> sheet or may be in another schema in the database.  I would like to store
> information on table name, column names, column order, pry key column etc.
> Also is there a way I can reverse engineer from the database itself.
> Let me know if anybody any suggestion or format that they used.  I
> appreciate all your help and shall be suitably acknowledged.

This section of the documentation should tell you everything you
need to know:

PT <wmo...@potentialtech.com>

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