Stephen Frost <> writes:

> * Tom Lane ( wrote:
>> Stephen Frost <> writes:
>> > * Tom Lane ( wrote:
>> >> Perhaps pg_upgrade should deliberately ignore template0 regardless of
>> >> datallowconn?  And/or we should hard-wire that into pg_dumpall?
>> > My thinking would be that pg_dumpall should be hard-wired for template0
>> > (just like it is for template1..) and that we should *not* be excluding
>> > databases that are marked as datallowconn = false..  That said, it's not
>> > clear to me what to do there instead.  Maybe throw an error or a
>> > warning?  The point of pg_dumpall is to dump *all* the databases and at
>> > least the manpage doesn't appear to say anything about "but ignores
>> > databases with datallowconn = false".
>> I think pg_upgrade and pg_dumpall may be two different use-cases.
> Perhaps..
>> pg_upgrade should definitely throw a hard error if there are any
>> non-template0 databases that it can't connect to, because the alternative
>> is losing such databases during the upgrade.  I'm not sure that the
>> argument is so black-and-white for pg_dumpall, though.  Nobody's ever
>> complained about it skipping unconnectable databases, and that behavior
>> has been there since we invented datallowconn (cf commit 2cf48ca04bf599).
> Technically, there haven't been any complaints about either pg_dumpall's
> behavior in this regard, or pg_upgrade's, but pg_upgrade's post-upgrade
> scripts would happily remove any databases which were marked as
> 'datallowconn = false' and that scares the daylights out of me.  To that
> end, I'd suggest patching (and back-patching) pg_upgrade to check early
> on that:
> template0 is set to 'datallowconn = false'
> all databases except template0 are set to 'datallowconn = true'
> The first is required or anyone who has done that will get the funny
> error that started this thread and things won't work anyway, but I
> believe the latter is also necessary to patch and back-patch as it could
> lead to data loss.  It's not a high potential as, hopefully, people will
> check first, but I can imagine a hosting provider or environments where
> there are lots of independent clusters not catching this issue in their
> testing, only to discover someone set their database to 'datallowconn =
> false' for whatever reason and now that database is gone...

Good thinking!

Not lately but several times in the past I've done just that to lock
down some odd DB that  was to be untouched but preserved  nonetheless.

>       Thanks!
>               Stephen

Jerry Sievers
Postgres DBA/Development Consulting
p: 312.241.7800

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