
> Hello everybody
> Does anyone user pg-pool II on real production ?

Yes, I have customers who are using pgpool-II.

> How many slave do you have? and how many size of database ?

Mostly one slave, some of them use more than one, up to four or so.
I am not sure how big their databases are though.

> I need config my old retail system to support ~ 1500 user with 1000GB over
> 4 years. I want to try pgpool-II but don't found real system use it.

Here it is:

Also the most recent case study of "Gengo" (http://gengo.com/) will be
available soon in English.  They are using PostgreSQL and pgpool-II on
AWS.  (Japanese case study text is already availble. Please take a
look at if you like: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/case_study/gengo.php).

> My system use direct SQL SELECT query and a lot pg procedure. Can pgpool-II
> support load balance from SELECT my_procedure() ...

Yes. pgpool-II can have a list of load-balancing-possible functions

> Please help me
> Thanks in advance. Sorry for my English.

There is a pgpool-II specific mailing list. I suggest you to move to

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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