tuanhoanganh <hatua...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone user pg-pool II on real production ? 
> How many slave do you have? and how many size of database ?

a little bit, one client, some hundred GB. 2-3 years in production mode
without problems.

> I need config my old retail system to support ~ 1500 user with 1000GB over 4
> years. I want to try pgpool-II but don't found real system use it. 
> My system use direct SQL SELECT query and a lot pg procedure. Can pgpool-II
> support load balance from SELECT my_procedure() ...

Yes it can. But it doesn't know if your functions are read-only or write
to the database - so you have to configure it (black/white - list)

Read the docu - it's well ducumented.

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
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