On 9/17/2014 6:08 PM, John DeSoi wrote:
On Sep 17, 2014, at 11:52 AM, Martin Waite<waite....@gmail.com> wrote:
>You are right that I need an intermediate step. I will probably use a CSV
parser that is liberal in what it accepts, but writes out strict CSV data suitable
for postgres.
If you find such a utility, please share. My clients love Excel, but it takes
perfectly valid CSV files and makes them unreadable by Postgres. In particular,
Excel saves rows with fewer columns than the header header row if the cells are
empty. It also mangles valid UTF-8. I often take Excel CSV files and re-save
them from Open Office to fix them for Postgres import.
I've used the npgsql .net driver http://npgsql.projects.pgfoundry.org/
with excel... you can directly query tables into spreadsheets via the
'data' feature in excel.
john r pierce 37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast
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