Hi Adrian,

I apologise - I meant 9.4


On 17 September 2014 14:35, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:

> On 09/17/2014 03:03 AM, Martin Waite wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a postgresql 7.4 server and client on Centos 6.4.  The database
>> server is using UTF-8 encoding.
> First I think we need to establish what version of Postgres you using. Are
> you really using 7.4?
>> I have been exploring the use of the \copy command for importing CSV
>> data generated by SQL Server 2008.  SQL Server 2008 export tool does not
>> escape quotes that are in the content of fields, and so it is useful to
>> be able to specify obscure characters in the quote option in the \copy
>> command to work around this issue.
>> When I run the following commands in psql, I am surprised that QUOTE is
>> limited to characters in the range 0x01 - 0x7f, and that UTF8 is
>> mentioned in the error message if characters outside the range are chosen:
>>     \encoding WIN1252
>>     \copy yuml from '/tmp/yuml.csv'  WITH CSV HEADER ENCODING 'WIN1252'
>>     QUOTE as E'\xff';
>>     ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff
> If you are actually on Postgres 7.4 the above would not be a viable
> command.
>> I thought that if the client (psql) is WIN1252, and the CSV file is
>> specified as WIN1252, then I could specify any valid WIN1252 character
>> as the quote character.   Instead, I am limited to the range of
>> characters that can be encoded as a single byte in UTF-8. Actually, 0x00
>> is not accepted either, so the range is 0x01 - 0x7F.
>> Is this a bug or expected behaviour ?
>> Is it the case that the server does the actual CSV parsing, and that
>> given that my server is in UTF8, I am therefore limited to single-byte
>> UTF8 characters ?
> Actually depending on version you may be limited to ASCII.
>> regards,
>> Martin
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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