On 05/09/2014 08:36 AM, David G Johnston wrote:
Vincent de Phily wrote
On Friday 09 May 2014 06:52:33 Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 05/09/2014 05:36 AM, Vincent de Phily wrote:
On Friday 09 May 2014 07:01:32 Tom Lane wrote:
Vincent de Phily <


> writes:
In case it changes anything, this is the uncut (but still anonimized)

      query = """UPDATE foo SET processing = 't' WHERE id IN

             (SELECT id FROM foo WHERE processing = 'f' ORDER BY id
             LIMIT %d

              FOR UPDATE)

             RETURNING *""" % (conf_getint('DEFAULT', 'push_count',

Thanks to all for taking an interest so far, this bug is... weird.

This seems to likely be the same, still open, bug reported previously:

No Number Assigned:

I ran Olivers pgbug.py against 9.0.17 and 9.3.4 and can confirm that I see the same error. When I turned off autovacuum on 9.3 I did not see the error which also confirms Olivers observation. Then I rewrote the program as a plpythonu function and ran it in the 9.0.17 instance. It ran successfully. It would seem this is either a psycopg2 issue or a client/server connection problem. Still trying to figure where to go from here.


#8470 is referenced in the first thread as well...though that is
specifically a performance issue and not a query bug.

The recommended work-around is to move the sub-query using the "FOR UPDATE"
into a CTE.

David J.

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Adrian Klaver

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