On Friday 09 May 2014 08:01:47 Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 05/09/2014 01:45 AM, Vincent de Phily wrote:
> > Before you grow suspicious of that conf_getint, the config is loaded once
> > at program startup, and the overlarge results hapen together with normal
> > results without having left the loop. Just in case I'm now logging the
> > query string anyway; who knows...
> As proof of concept that the value can change in the loop:
> In [17]: l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
> In [18]: def getNumber():
>      return random.choice(l)
>     ....:
> In [19]: ct = 0
> In [20]: while ct < 5:
>      s = 'Lucky number is %d' % (getNumber(),)
>      ct += 1
>      print s
>     ....:
> Lucky number is 5
> Lucky number is 5
> Lucky number is 4
> Lucky number is 3
> Lucky number is 2

Sure, but that's not what I'm doing at all. My "str" % (somefunc(),) is 
executed outside the loop, not inside it. This is python, not lisp. The 
variable "query" is a plain string, not a reference to how that string was 

Vincent de Phily

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