On Thu, 17 Apr 2014 10:02:00 -0700
Susan Cassidy <susan.cass...@decisionsciencescorp.com> wrote:

> I moved the code in the function inline into the code, and I still cannot
> find the newly inserted id the next time through the loop.  

I suppose you use DBD::Pg, whose current default isolation transaction level is 

Don't know if it applies, but the Postgresql's documentation says this :


    All statements of the current transaction can only see rows committed 
before the first query or data-modification statement was executed in this 
transaction. If a pattern of reads and writes among concurrent serializable 
transactions would create a situation which could not have occurred for any 
serial (one-at-a-time) execution of those transactions, one of them will be 
rolled back with a serialization_failure SQLSTATE. 

                                        Regards, Vincent Veyron 

Legal case, contract and insurance claim management software

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