Basically it goes beyond what ppl would describe as OS holly wars.
If one chooses to go by FreeBSD, then he better be prepared to handle the
burden, both the part that is
imposed by the OS administration itself, as well as the part that is a side
effect of the different base system.
Example of admin part :
Generally, compiling postgresql from source gives more freedom than be stuck on
the OS's ports or PKGng
system. (the later being a very handy and welcome addition to FreeBSD).
Now what if e.g. the user wants pgsql software X (e.g. pgadmin3, p5-Pg, etc...)
only to find out that most of those
ports need postgresql client as a dependency. He/she must be prepared to work
his way through :
- manual installations (gmake config && gmake && gmake install)
- /usr/ports
- PKG binary installations
in decreasing order of freedom but increasing order of easiness, and in many
cases work through a combination
of the above.
Example of base system part :
Recently I had to install pl-java on my FreeBSD workstation. There was a
problem with libtrh, postgresql should be recompiled
with explicitly setting : -lpthread in
/usr/local/src/postgresql-9.3.4/src/backend/Makefile, without this the backend
would simply hang
at the very first invocation of a java function. This came after detailed
following or email exchange of various hackers groups
in both pgsql and FreeBSD lists, to describe the issue as accurately as
possible, to help debug as most as possible, to talk
to the right people, to give them incentive to answer back, etc.
I don't mean to scare the OP, but FreeBSD is not for everyone.
On 11/04/2014 00:50, Jan Wieck wrote:
On 04/10/14 17:25, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
I'm not wanting to get after anyone here, but I want it on the record
that I am not the source of the above quote discouraging the use of
Ubuntu in a server role. That would be Bruce Momjian. While Bruce is
entitled to his opinion, it's not one I agree with and I don't want a
Google search years from now to tie my name to that viewpoint.
Who (in their right mind) would ever think of anything but BSD in a server role?
<shaking head>
Achilleas Mantzios
Head of IT DEV
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt
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