Le 2014-04-09 à 16:20, Bruce Momjian a écrit :

> On Wed, Apr  9, 2014 at 10:02:07AM -0500, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
> This highlights a more fundamental problem of the difference between a
> workstation-based on OS like Ubuntu and a server-based one like Debian
> or FreeBSD.  I know Ubuntu has a "server" version, but fundamentally
> Ubuntu's selection of kernels and feature churn make it less than ideal
> for server deployments.
> I am sure someone can post that they use Ubuntu just fine for server
> deployments, but I continue to feel that Ubuntu is chosen by
> administrators because it an OS they are familiar with on workstations,
> rather than it being the best choice for servers.

I'm not a full-time sysadmin. I chose Ubuntu because I have familiarity with 
it, and because installing Puppet on it installed the certificates and 
everything I needed to get going. I tried Debian, but I had to fight and find 
the correct procedures to install the Puppet certificates and all. Ubuntu saved 
me some time back then.


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