On 02/15/2014 04:55 PM, Antman, Jason (CMG-Atlanta) wrote:
> On 02/15/2014 02:00 PM, Francisco Olarte wrote:
>> If I NEEDED to be able to provide 100-150 snapshots to test/dev
>> environments 20% of which maybe active, I'll setup a cluster, buy
>> somewhere above a quarter terabyte RAM and some big snapshot
>> appliances. They are not that expensive, and someone NEEDING that big
>> dev/test systems must be on a humoungous project, where the cost of
>> throwing hardware at the problem would be dwarfed by any small delay
>> trying to set that up with minimal resources. A postgres instance
>> should happily run in half a gig, using proper snapshots would let you
>> share cache among them, so you could put quite a lot of them in one of
>> these 384G machines floating around, even on a 192G one, throw a
>> snapshotting filesystem or appliance on the mix and is not that
>> complex.
> So you're suggesting running multiple instances of postgres in the same
> operating system, and they'll be able to share cache, instead of trying
> to get multiple DBs in the same instance? Is there any accepted method
> of managing N postgres instances on one host? Any tools or documentation
> for that, or best practices? Seems scary to me, but I suppose it's the
> best option we have...
> By "A postgres instance should happily run in half a gig" I assume
> you're not counting cache/buffers, etc.? Because when trying to run
> automation (i.e. automated testing) on our application, we can't get
> query execution time down to an acceptable level with anything less than
> ~48GB memory available in the host.
> Thanks for the suggestion though. I was considering this as an
> alternative, but every experience I've had of running multiple (let's
> say, more than 2 or 3) instances of the same application/daemon on the
> same host has inevitably led to all sorts of strange issues and
> problems... I suppose it sounds like it's going to be the only option
> though...
>> Francisco Olarte.

I think I jumped on this without really understanding what you were 
saying, or the implications of it. If I run N postgres server instances 
on the same physical host, I can do away with the overhead of running 
each of them in their own virtualized operating system, but they can't 
really share resources other than *OS* cache, right?

My current postgres instances for testing have 16GB shared_buffers (and 
5MB work_mem, 24GB effective_cache_size). So if, hypothetically (to give 
a mathematically simple example), I have a host machine with 100GB RAM, 
I can't run 10 postgres instances with those settings, right? I'd still 
need to provide for the memory needs of each postgres server/instance 
separately? In which case, from an ease of management/sanity 
perspective, it would probably be best to try running each one in 
containers (LXC) or some sort of ultra-low-overhead virtualization, 
rather than ending up with 10 separate instances of postgres running 
directly in the same OS?


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