On 02/15/2014 01:22 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 2/15/2014 10:15 AM, Antman, Jason (CMG-Atlanta) wrote:
>> I also asked this question on dba.stackexchange.com, where it 
>> received a very detailed enumeration of the associated problems from 
>> Craig Ringer:
>> http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/58896/restore-postgres-data-tablespace-to-new-tablespace-at-new-mount-point/58967?noredirect=1#58967
>> Perhaps there's a postgres internals expert around, someone 
>> intimitely familiar with pg_xlog/pg_clog/pg_control, who can comment 
>> on whether it's possible to take the on-disk files from a single 
>> database in a single tablespace, and make them usable by a different 
>> postgres server, running multiple databases?
> Craig's answer covers all the bases, quite accurately.    Because you 
> don't like it, you think someone else is going to give you some magic 
> to make all that go away?
1) The second-to-last paragraph in Craig's answer is,
"This is quite an interesting problem, and I suggest raising it on the 
pgsql-general mailing list. Link back here for context (and so people 
can explain all the things I got wrong in the above explanation)."

2) I was hoping that someone else would either (a) correct "all the 
things that [Craig] got wrong in the above explanation", or (b) give me 
some pointers on possible ways to do this. If the answer is "well, it 
would be a lot easier if you imported a schema-only pgdump of each 
database, and then mucked with the internals of the tablespace", that's 
a good starting point. Honestly, if the answer is "this simply will not 
happen unless you hire a postgresql core developer to code it", that's 
still a more complete answer to bring to management than "not possible." 
I work in a software development shop... there's a general hatred of the 
idea of "impossible" (as opposed to impractical) when it comes to software.



Jason Antman | Systems Engineer | CMGdigital
jason.ant...@coxinc.com | p: 678-645-4155

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