On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 10:56:28AM -0800, David Johnston wrote:
> If you are doing version controlled upgrades you should not be using this
> function but during the R&D phase I can imagine it would come in quite
> handy.

Or add Tom's remarks to a little corner of contrib/, or as Tom
suggested, the docs, though I don't have a clear way to state it.

One could actually add a reference to Tom's note to the comments
section of the docs so that some mroe thinking could go into how to
putting words about this in the docs.  

I agree that the function signature is part of the function.  This is
strange to people because when you're developing it's normal to think
of functionname(args) as the thing you're changing, but in a system
that allows overloading like Postgres that's not really true for


Andrew Sullivan

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