I have a few database queries that I've been running from within a
Java project. I have recently come to the understanding that I need to
run them instead within the PostgreSQL server as stored functions. I
have that understanding because I need to make use of locking
functionality, and that seems only able to be done by means of
PostgreSQL functions. Transactions don't seem to be able to provide
this. I've never written functions for postgres, so I thought maybe
someone here could help.

To provide some context: the code is a part of a webcrawler. More
specifically, it is a part of the queuing system that handles the
management of URL's to be crawled. The system takes URL's from the
queue with one query, and marks them as active with a second. It then
sends the results on to the crawler. Once the crawler has crawled the
URL, a third query removes the URL from the queue.

The code is running concurrently in multiple threads on multiple
servers, and in scaling it to multiple servers I've run into some
problems. It seems that due to the way postgres is designed I am
unable to lock tables, or utilize transactions in Java to acheive
concurrency. So I need it instead to be run as a postgres
function/stored procedure. It seems. Am I correct in this, or did I
misread the PosgreSQL Transactions documentation?

Assuming the only way to accomplish this is with a postgres function,
would anyone care to implement this for a small reward (though
relative to the amount of work required I'd say it's probably a decent
to large reward)?

The queries are as follows:

String querySelect =
from \"crawlq\" " +
"where \"Special\" = ? " +
"AND \"Active\" = 'true' " +
"AND \"TimeoutDate\" <= now() " +
"AND \"CrawlError\" = 'false' " +
"OR " +
"\"Special\" = ? " +
"AND \"Active\" = 'false' " +
"AND \"CrawlError\" = 'false' " +
"order by \"NextCrawlDate\" asc limit 1";

String queryUpdateActive =
"update \"crawlq\" " +
"set \"Active\" = 'true', " +
"\"TimeoutDate\" = now() + interval '5 minutes' " +
"where \"URL\" = ? " ;

This is what I need the function to do:

I need the PostgreSQL function to first lock the table "crawlq".
I then need it to perform the "querySelect" query.
I then need it to perform the "queryUpdateActive" query.
I then need it to unlock the table.
I then need it to return the values from the select query to the Java project.

Deliverables: I need the postgres function and a simple java program
that calls the function and returns a result set. It doesn't need to
do anything with the data, just call the function and return the value
to the program. This should be a very simple project that shouldn't
take more than 15 minutes for anyone familiar with writing postgres
functions. Would $50 via PayPal be enough to entice anyone to offer a
solution? I could also offer the payment in LiteCoins if you'd rather
do it that way. Of course if you're feeling benevolent I wouldn't
object to anyone who felt like doing it for free.

The Java function I'm using that fetches elements from the queue
currently is as follows:

        public synchronized FetchType fetch(String cs){
                if(debug_level == 1)
java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) +
" : DAO : fetching element from database");
                 * prepare the select query
                 * execute it -- pull the items from the queue database
                 * load the query results into a return container
                 * clean up
                 * prepare the update query
                 * execute it -- update the record as active
                 * clean up
                 * commit the transaction
                 * return the query results
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e1) {
                PreparedStatement stmt = null;
                PreparedStatement stmt2 = null;
                ResultSet rset = null;
                FetchType ret = null;
                // TODO: use a stored function
                String  querySelect     =
from \"crawlq\" "       +
                                "where \"Special\" = ? "                +
                                "AND \"Active\" = 'true' "                      
                                "AND \"TimeoutDate\" <= now() "         +
                                "AND \"CrawlError\" = 'false' "         +
                                "OR "                                           
                                "\"Special\" = ? "                      +
                                "AND \"Active\" = 'false' "                     
                                "AND \"CrawlError\" = 'false' "         +
                                "order by \"NextCrawlDate\" asc limit 1";
                String queryUpdateActive =
                                "update \"crawlq\" "                            
                                        "set \"Active\" = 'true', "     +
                                        "\"TimeoutDate\" = now() + interval '5 
minutes' "       +
                                "where \"URL\" = ? "                            
                try {
                        stmt = dbq.prepareStatement(querySelect);
                        stmt.setString(1, cs);
                        stmt.setString(2, cs);
                        rset = stmt.executeQuery();
                                ret = new FetchType(
                        } else
                                ret = null;
                if (ret != null){
                        stmt2 = dbq.prepareStatement(queryUpdateActive);
                        stmt2.setString(1, ret.getURL());
                if(debug_level == 1)
+ " : DAO : fetch complete " + ret.getURL());
                return ret;
                } catch (SQLException e) {      
                        try {
                                return null;
                        } catch (SQLException e2) {
                        return null;

Running on one machine I'm bypassing the transaction concurrency issue
by synchronizing the method. But the Java concurrency constructs I'm
using here don't scale to multiple machines.

At any rate, have I provided enough information to get the solution
I'm looking for? Have I provided enough financial incentive to get
this implemented? If so, please respond with code here to the list so
multiple people don't implement it and expect to be paid. I can only
pay one person, though if another person fixes a bug in a proposed
solution I'm open to splitting the bounty however seems fair.

Thanks for reading, hope to hear back!

-David Noel

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