Hi everyone;

I have been starting to experiment with the JSON accessors in 9.3.  I
immediately found that my preferred use, populating nested composite types,
is not supported.  Also of course one cannot manipulate JSON nodes, which
leads to the question of how best to do this.  I had some ideas:

1.  A custom C function utilizing the internal functions PostgreSQL offers
for JSON parsing (probably looking at the json_populate_record() as a base)

2.  Utilizing hstore as an intermediate representation along with

3.  Perhaps using something like pl/perlu or the like.

This leads to a few questions, including whether it would be worthwhile
looking at trying to handle nested types in json_populate_record() and if
anyone is working on such a thing currently.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Efficito:  Hosted Accounting and ERP.  Robust and Flexible.  No vendor

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