(2013/08/05 21:23), Tom Lane wrote:
> Andres Freund <and...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>> ... Also, there are global
>> limits to the amount of filehandles that can simultaneously opened on a
>> system.
> Yeah.  Raising max_files_per_process puts you at serious risk that
> everything else on the box will start falling over for lack of available
> FD slots. 
Is it Really? When I use hadoop like NOSQL storage, I set large number of FD.
Actually, Hadoop Wiki is writing following.

> Too Many Open Files
> You can see this on Linux machines in client-side applications, server code 
> or even in test runs. 
> It is caused by per-process limits on the number of files that a single 
> user/process can have open, which was introduced in the 2.6.27 kernel. The 
> default value, 128, was chosen because "that should be enough".
> In Hadoop, it isn't.
> ulimit -n 8192

Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center

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