Hi Amit,

(2013/08/05 15:23), Amit Langote wrote:
May the routines in fd.c become bottleneck with a large number of
concurrent connections to above database, say something like "pgbench
-j 8 -c 128"? Is there any other place I should be paying attention
What kind of file system did you use?

When we open file, ext3 or ext4 file system seems to sequential search inode for opening file in file directory.
And PostgreSQL limit FD 1000 per process. It seems too small.
Please change src/backend/storage/file/fd.c at "max_files_per_process = 1000;"
If we rewrite it, We can change limit of FD per process. I have already created fix-patch about this problem in postgresql.conf, and will submit next CF.
Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center

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