On 01/08/2013 10:27, Stephen Brearley wrote:

> 6) This question about connecting -I think- could be what the problem is. To
> connect, I start pgAdmin and double-click on Server
> groups|Servers|myLocalHost (localhost:5432) which has a red 'X' on it
> (doesn't look good) to which I get a popup 'Error connecting to the server:
> FATAL: password authentication failed for user "SDB"'. You mention the
> pg_hba.conf file -but since I am asked to enter a new password during
> installation, this is reset every time I try to do a reinstall? I am
> thinking that this is not occurring, and I have entered to many wrong
> passwords. For security, it would make sense that you can't reset it just by
> performing a reinstall. Could you elaborate on how to get back in if I have
> locked myself out please, as I think this could..be it?

Hi there,

If you're locked out, you don't have to reinstall - you can do the

(i) Locate pg_hba.conf - this should be in your data directory (not the
installation directory).

(ii) Edit it, and change the connection method for the relevant user
and/or host from "md5" to "trust". - This will let that user connection
without a password.

(iii) Restart the server so the connection method change takes effect.

(iv) Connect, and reset your password (ALTER ROLE....).

(v) Edit pg_hba.conf once more and change the connection method back to

(vi) Restart the server once more.



Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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