On Jul 31, 2013, at 12:07, "Stephen Brearley" <m...@stephenbrearley.name> wrote:

> Both the install and uninstall should work flawlessly. The only thing I can
> see is that I have installed the program once before, and I have put my data
> on my d: drive to separate it from the program in case of software problems,
> but I got Postgresql to correctly find my data before..

If Postgres is having any issues starting up, details should be in the log 
file. I don't know where that file gets written on a Windows system though, 
perhaps it ends up in the Windows Event log?

What procedure did you follow to move your data to the D-drive? That seems a 
likely cause of trouble, especially if the database was running while you did 
that - you may be looking at an unrecoverable database snapshot if you didn't 
take precautions, in which case the database would refuse to start up.

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

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