On 5/12/2013 6:13 PM, David Boreham wrote:

Not quite. More like : a) I don't know where to buy SLC drives in 2013 (all the drives for example for sale on newegg.com are MLC) and b) today's MLC drives are quite good enough for me (and I'd venture to say any database-related purpose).

Newegg wouldn't know 'enterprise' if it bit them. they just sell mass market consumer stuff and gamer kit.

the real SLC drives end up OEM branded in large SAN systems, such as sold by Netapp, EMC, and are made by companies like STEC that have zero presence in the 'whitebox' resale markets like Newegg.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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