On 10 May 2013, at 16:25, David Boreham <david_l...@boreham.org> wrote:

> I've never looked at SLC drives in the past few years and don't know anyone 
> who uses them these days.

Because SLCs are still more expensive? Because MLCs are now almost as good as 
SLCs for performance/endurance?

I should point out that this database will be the backend for a 
high-transaction gaming site with very heavy database usage including a lot of 
writes. Disk IO on the database server has always been our bottleneck so far. 

Also, the database is kept comparatively very small - about 25 GB currently, 
and it will grow to perhaps 50 GB this year as a result of new content and 
traffic coming in.

So whilst MLCs might be almost as good as SLCs now, the price difference for us 
is so insignificant that if we can still get a small improvement with SLCs then 
we might as well do so.

> Could you post some specific drive models please ? HP probably doesn't make 
> the drives, and it really helps to know what devices you're using since they 
> are not nearly as generic in behavior and features as magnetic drives.

I've asked our HP dealer for this information since unfortunately it doesn't 
appear to be available on the HP website - hopefully it will be forthcoming at 
some point.


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