I'm confused. I thought foreign data wrappers were required to create
database links from one Postgresql server to another. Is there some
way to create a database link without using them? I was working off of
this example:


I'm stuck with 8.4 for now, unfortunately.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> "James W. Wilson" <jww1...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi, I'm using Postgresql 8.4.12-1 on Debian. I've installed 'dblink'
>> from the contrib package (also 8.4.12-1) and am now running into a
>> strange problem when I run "drop owned by".
> You're running into a old bug, which is that DROP OWNED BY doesn't know
> what to do with foreign data wrappers.  According to the commit logs,
> this was fixed a couple of years ago in 9.0 and up, but we did not
> bother to fix 8.4 because foreign data wrappers aren't actually useful
> for anything in 8.4.  If you want to work with FDWs, I'd suggest moving
> forward to a release where they have some real functionality ...
>                         regards, tom lane

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