"James W. Wilson" <jww1...@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi, I'm using Postgresql 8.4.12-1 on Debian. I've installed 'dblink'
> from the contrib package (also 8.4.12-1) and am now running into a
> strange problem when I run "drop owned by".

You're running into a old bug, which is that DROP OWNED BY doesn't know
what to do with foreign data wrappers.  According to the commit logs,
this was fixed a couple of years ago in 9.0 and up, but we did not
bother to fix 8.4 because foreign data wrappers aren't actually useful
for anything in 8.4.  If you want to work with FDWs, I'd suggest moving
forward to a release where they have some real functionality ...

                        regards, tom lane

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