On 05/18/2012 06:47 AM, yxj wrote:
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply.
My Postgresql version is 8.2. I amn't sure we have the autovacuum job
running or not? How can I check it ?
Unless something is broken it is already running. You can connect to the
db and run "show autovacuum;". It should be on.
Alternately, run "show all;" and scroll down to look at all the
autovacuum settings.
You can also check the running processes. On *nix: if you run "ps -ef |
grep postgres" (assuming typical setups where PostgreSQL is running as
the postgres user) you will see something like:
postgres 14698 1 0 Jan10 ? 01:20:57 /usr/bin/postgres -p 5432 -D
postgres 14700 14698 0 Jan10 ? 00:07:20 postgres: writer process
postgres 14701 14698 0 Jan10 ? 00:03:09 postgres: wal writer process
postgres 14702 14698 0 Jan10 ? 00:00:21 postgres: autovacuum launcher
postgres 14703 14698 0 Jan10 ? 00:51:48 postgres: stats collector process
The "autovacuum launcher process" is the one that handles automatically
running vacuum when it is appropriate.
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