Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply.
My Postgresql version is 8.2. I amn't sure we have the autovacuum job running 
or not? How can I check it ?

At 2012-05-18 02:53:15,"Steve Crawford" <scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com> wrote:
>On 05/17/2012 11:30 AM, leaf_yxj wrote:
>> Hi Guys. Please help me about this.
>> For postgres database, it looks like we need analyze and vacuum all the
>> tables periodly.  I need to write a script which can be executed in crontab.
>> I don't have any clues about that. I only know the command :
>> analyze tablename;
>> vacuum tablename;
>Leave off the tablename to do the whole db. But (unless you are on a 
>really old version of PG) you really shouldn't need to manually vacuum 
>things as that is the job of the autovacuum process.
>There are unusual situations that suggest a manual analyze. It should be 
>run right after a cluster for instance. But they are limited special cases.
>What indicates that you need to vacuum or analyze via cron?

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