Le mercredi 14 mars 2012 à 15:06, Merlin Moncure a écrit :

> 2012/3/14 François Beausoleil <franc...@teksol.info 
> (mailto:franc...@teksol.info)>:
> In the entirety of my career, I have never found anything more
> perplexing than the general reluctance to upgrade hardware to solve
> hardware related performance bottlenecks. Virtualization is great
> technology but is nowhere near good enough in my experience to handle
> high transaction rate database severs. A 5000$ server will solve your
> issue, and you'll spend that in two days scratching your head trying
> to figure out the issue (irritating your customers all the while).

Thank you for your analysis, Merlin. I already suspected as much.

Have a great day!

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