Le mardi 13 mars 2012 à 10:48, Merlin Moncure a écrit :

> 2012/3/12 François Beausoleil <franc...@teksol.info 
> (mailto:franc...@teksol.info)>:
> > Currently, I can sustain 30-40 writes per second on a Rackspace VPS. I know 
> > it's not the ideal solution, but that's what I'm working with. Following 
> > vmstat, the server is spending 30 to 40% of it's time in iowait. I don't 
> > have measurements as to what files are touched, and I'd welcome suggestions 
> > to measure the time PostgreSQL actually spends writing indices vs data.
> > >  
> >  
> >  
> you're almost certainly blocking on fsync. A real quick'n'dirty way
> to confirm this (although it wont be as fast as COPY) would be to wrap
> your inserts in a transaction. VMs tend to have really horrible
> storage latency which can hurt postgres performance. Another option
> would be to relax your commit policy (for example by flipping
> synchronous_commit) if that fits within your safety requirements.

I already applied the tricks you have here: I have a transaction, and 
synchronous_commit is off. I also have checkpoint_segments set to 96, and 10 

I'll go with the COPY, since I can live with the batched requirements just fine.


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