On Tuesday, March 06, 2012 9:43:00 am Tom Lane wrote:
> Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@gmail.com> writes:
> > The postmaster.pid is located outside the data directory, but points back
> > to the data directory.   Not sure where Debian, though at a guess
> > somewhere in /var. Any way search for postmaster.pid.
> Really?  That seems like an extremely dangerous/stupid/unnecessary hack
> on the part of the Debian packagers.  What's keeping users from
> accidentally starting two postmasters in the same data directory, if
> they can put their pidfiles in (different) other places?

No, that was a mistake on my part. It is in the $DATA directory.

> (This seems unrelated to Thom's issue, but it's still worrisome.)
>                       regards, tom lane

Adrian Klaver

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