On Nov 30, 2011, at 18:44, Craig Ringer <ring...@ringerc.id.au> wrote:

> On 11/30/2011 10:32 PM, Sergey Konoplev wrote:
>> Would it be more compact from the point of view of streaming
>> replication if we make the application accumulate changes and do one
>> COPY instead of lots of INSERTS say once a minute? And if it will be
>> so how to estimate the effect approximately?
> Streaming replication works on a rather lower level than that. It records 
> information about transaction starts, rollbacks and commits, and records disk 
> block changes. It does not record SQL statements. It's not using INSERT, so 
> you can't switch to COPY. Streaming replication basically just copies the WAL 
> data, and WAL data is not all that compact.

I think a better way to phrase the question is whether these three types of 
constructs affect different results on the replication side:

Insert into tbl values(...); [times 50]
insert into tbl values (...), (...), (...), ...; [ once with 50 values ]
Copy [ with 50 input rows provided ]

I would presume the first one is badly performing but no idea whether the 
multi-value version of insert would be outperformed by an equivalent Copy 
command (both on the main query and during replication)

Though, does auto-commit affect the results in the first case; I.e., without 
auto-commit do the first two results replicate equivalently?

David J
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