Hi Mark (and Adrian),


As as update i've now found the same data fails on my postgres 8 which doesn't 
seem to have the LC_COLLATE etc setting and is just UTF-8 so i guess there is 
possibly just something about the way the data is getting passed in.


This is the error message from postgres 9.0 with the LC_COLLATE as previously 




ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe92922
CONTEXT:  COPY pointsofinterest, line 2


********** Error **********


ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe92922
SQL state: 22021
Context: COPY pointsofinterest, line 2





This is the error message from the postgres 8.1 with just UTF-8 set:




ERROR:  invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected near byte 0xe9
CONTEXT:  COPY pointsofinterest, line 2, column street_name: "Near Café)"





Does that help? Is there an easy way to check exactly what encoding an existing 
piece of data is in?


Thanks again for your help so far...





From: Mark Watson-12 [via PostgreSQL] 
Sent: 14 November 2011 20:29
To: LPlateAndy
Subject: Re: encoding and LC_COLLATE


De : [hidden email] 
[mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Adrian Klaver 
>Envoyé : 14 novembre 2011 13:03 
>Second is the data coming in actually UTF8 or some other encoding? 

Hi Andy, 
I have to agree with Adrian in that the data may be coming in under a 
different encoding. An e acute is a valid character in 1252 encoding. 
However, if the source computer is using, for example, code page 850, an e 
acute is hex(82) whereas the equivalent in 1252 is hex(e9). UTF-8 "doesn't 
like" hex(82). 

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