Hi Adrian,
You're right, i'm trying to get the copy command to put a load of data into a table. It's now working fine except for any instances with an e acute I tried putting " SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'UTF-8'; " but still got the error. I guess that just because i'm verifying what's incoming, it doesn't mean it's going to go into a database which doesn't support it? Let me know if i'm missing something! Cheers Andy From: Adrian Klaver-3 [via PostgreSQL] [mailto:ml-node+s1045698n4991012...@n5.nabble.com] Sent: 14 November 2011 15:15 To: LPlateAndy Subject: Re: encoding and LC_COLLATE On Monday, November 14, 2011 3:03:32 am LPlateAndy wrote: > Hi, > > I set up my postgres 9.0 install 6 months ago and generally everything is > fine but a recent data load with an e acute character failed which an > unsupported message which surprised me as we're using UTF-8. > > However, i can now see that the listing for the database set up show a > restriction under LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE to the UK which would explain the > blocking of this character. Oddly, this is set even if i only specify UTF-8 > which i guess means that it is set against the template. I can only assume > that i selected this option on install but have since forgotten. > > CREATE DATABASE testing > WITH OWNER = postgres > ENCODING = 'UTF8' > TABLESPACE = pg_default > LC_COLLATE = 'English_United Kingdom.1252' > LC_CTYPE = 'English_United Kingdom.1252' > CONNECTION LIMIT = -1; > > Is there any way that i can change this, preferably against the template. > > If i try creating a new database by right clicking at the top of the > database tree in pgAdmin i do note that i also have the options of "C" or > "POSIX" but have read elsewhere that these are even more restrictive. > > Any ideas - hoping to avoid a complete re-install! See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/interactive/multibyte.html#MULTIBYTE-CHAR SET- SUPPORTED 22.2.3. Automatic Character Set Conversion Between Server and Client I am going to assume that the data load is the COPY you mentioned in the other post. Before doing the COPY use one of the methods shown in the link above to set the incoming encoding. This of course depends on you knowing what the encoding is of the data you are importing:) > > Thanks in advance > > Andy > > -- Adrian Klaver [hidden email] -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ([hidden email]) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general _____ If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/encoding-and-LC-COLLATE-tp4990415p49 91012.html To unsubscribe from encoding and LC_COLLATE, click here <http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=unsu bscribe_by_code&node=4990415&code=YW5keUBjZW50cmVtYXBzLmNvLnVrfDQ5OTA0MTV8LT E3NDM2MTI2> . See how NAML generates this email <http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=macr o_viewer&id=instant_html%21nabble%3Aemail.naml&base=nabble.naml.namespaces.B asicNamespace-nabble.view.web.template.NabbleNamespace-nabble.view.web.templ ate.InstantMailNamespace&breadcrumbs=instant+emails%21nabble%3Aemail.naml-in stant_emails%21nabble%3Aemail.naml-send_instant_email%21nabble%3Aemail.naml> -- View this message in context: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/encoding-and-LC-COLLATE-tp4990415p4991287.html Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at Nabble.com.