2011/10/18 salah jubeh <s_ju...@yahoo.com>:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I considered  cat as an option but I did not go for it, because of the
> number of sql files I have is large  which makes the code not readable
> The second thing, which is more important is because I have some advantages
> with  using -f such as the line number which causing the error.

you can do :

cat module1.sql \
      module2.sql \
      module_etc.sql \
 | psql -f -

> Regards
> ________________________________
> From: "andr...@a-kretschmer.de" <andr...@a-kretschmer.de>
> To: salah jubeh <s_ju...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 2:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] many sql file and one transaction
> Zitat von salah jubeh <s_ju...@yahoo.com>:
>> Hello,
>> I have many SQL script files to update schema, delete data, unit
>> test ....etc.  I want to run all the files in one transaction using
>> shell script to ease the installation procedure. I can do that from
>> the psql client by using the \i option
>> \i  / .../ module1.sql
>> \i  / .../ module2.sql
>> \i  / .../ module_etc.sql
>> Is there a way to do that  using psql command  shell script.
>> I.E.
>> I want to run the following  in one transaction,
>> psql  -f  module1.sql
>> psql  -f  module2.sql
>> psql  -f  module_etc.sql
> cat module1.sql module2.sql module_etc.sql | psql
> Regards, Andreas

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