On 18 October 2011 14:11, salah jubeh <s_ju...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have many SQL script files to update schema, delete data, unit test
> ....etc.  I want to run all the files in one transaction using shell script
> to ease the installation procedure. I can do that from the psql client by
> using the \i option
> \i  / .../ module1.sql
> \i  / .../ module2.sql
> \i  / .../ module_etc.sql
> Is there a way to do that  using psql command  shell script.
> I.E.
> I want to run the following  in one transaction,
> psql  -f  module1.sql
> psql  -f  module2.sql
> psql  -f  module_etc.sql

You can't use the above, as each psql instance has their own session.

You could cat the files together and feed them to psql though.
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Cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.

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