On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Vincent Veyron wrote:

I'm not sure what 'INSTALL INTO ... statements' are, but are you aware
of the very convenient 'M-x sql-postgres' in emacs?


  I have a SQL major mode for emacs. Don't know that it's specific to
postgres but it is automatically invoked when I open a buffer with a .sql
file name. I get syntax-related colors; perhaps it does more of which I am

I got it to work with this in my .emacs file

(setq sql-user "yourusername")
(setq sql-database "yourdbname")
(setq sql-server "localhost")
(setq sql-postgres-options '("-Uyourusername" "-P" "pager=off"))

  I'll look for sql-postgres if it will allow me to add rows to an existing

Many thanks,


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