On 09/27/11 11:20 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
All my postgresql databases are in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/ in numbered
subdirectories. I've no idea in which one resides the database I want.

Is there a way to determine where my database is located?

Eeek! you NEVER directly access the postgres data files. rather, you connect to postgres via a socket, and ask it to fetch the data for you, thats just how it works.

your database and all the databases on that system are in /usr/local/pgsql/data ... they involve multiple of those subdirectories, you can't seperate the pieces from the whole without breaking it completely.

to use ODBC, you'd need to give it the DSN information, I don't know the exact format, but in general, its something like

        Description         = Postgres Database FRED
        Driver              = PostgreSQL
        Trace               = Yes
        TraceFile           = sql.log
        Database            = FRED
        Servername          = localhost
        UserName            = fred
        Password            =
        Port                = 5432

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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