- check for open server socket: netstat -tulpen | grep postgres
- try to force ipv4 for java with system property (a recent jre prefers
ipv6): -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
Am 24.08.2011 00:47, schrieb Sam Nelson:
Hi list,
A client is hitting an issue with JDBC:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the
hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting
TCP/IP connections.
-pg_hba.conf is set to trust (IPv4 only)
-listen_addresses is *
-I can find no evidence of iptables running on the server.
-PGAdmin connects just fine.
-psql connects just fine.
-I can find no errors in the log file from that day for the user that
the client is trying to log in as.
We're working on getting access to more details about how they're
trying to connect, but in the mean time, does anyone know if JDBC has
any issues connecting that psql and PGAdmin wouldn't have? Is it
possible that JDBC is somehow susceptible to connection issues that
JDBC and psql are not?
Samuel Nelson
Consistent State
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