On Tuesday, August 23, 2011 3:47:33 pm Sam Nelson wrote:
> Hi list,
> A client is hitting an issue with JDBC:
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the
> hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting
> TCP/IP connections.
> -pg_hba.conf is set to trust (IPv4 only)
> -listen_addresses is *
> -I can find no evidence of iptables running on the server.
> -PGAdmin connects just fine.
> -psql connects just fine.

Are PgAdmin and psql local and the Java client remote?
Is the Java client connecting using IPv6 ?

> -I can find no errors in the log file from that day for the user that
> the client is trying to log in as.
> We're working on getting access to more details about how they're
> trying to connect, but in the mean time, does anyone know if JDBC has
> any issues connecting that psql and PGAdmin wouldn't have?  Is it
> possible that JDBC is somehow susceptible to connection issues that
> JDBC and psql are not?
> ---
> ===========================
> Samuel Nelson
> Consistent State
> www.consistentstate.com
> 303-955-0509
> ===========================

Adrian Klaver

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