Good idea but you're right, if the default value is an expression such as a
the next serial value, it will need to be executed first.  If Execute
doesn't return the interpreted value, I don't know of a way to make it

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Diego Augusto Molina <> wrote:

> This is a bit hacky, but it may work (I haven't tried it yet). If it
> works let us know and if it doesn't then maybe we can debug it and get
> something useful, or move on to another solution.
> <code>
>  INSERT INTO public.test
> (
> userid, object_id, user_notes, object_status, created_ts
> )
> (
> p_userid, p_obj_id, p_user_notes, p_obj_status,
>        Case When p_created_ts Is Not Null Then p_created_ts Else
>         ( -- You may want to be sure the field has a default value.
>                SELECT d.adsrc -- or should it be d.adbin?
>                        FROM
>                                pg_catalog.pg_attribute a INNER JOIN
>                                pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d ON (a.attnum =
> d.adnum)
>                        WHERE
>                                a.attname = 'created_ts' AND
>                                a.attrelid = 'public.test'::REGCLASS AND
>                                d.adrelid = 'public.test'::REGCLASS
>        ) End
> );
> </code>
> Well (thinking it thoroughly) it won't work at all as is. It will just
> put the source code of the default expression but you would need to
> *interpret* it first.
> Looked for a way to do this (without `EXECUTE') but couldn't find it.
> Sorry.
> --
> Diego Augusto Molina
> ES: Por favor, evite adjuntar documentos de Microsoft Office. SerĂ¡n
> desestimados.
> EN: Please, avoid attaching Microsoft Office documents. They shall be
> discarded.

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