This is a bit hacky, but it may work (I haven't tried it yet). If it works let us know and if it doesn't then maybe we can debug it and get something useful, or move on to another solution.
<code> INSERT INTO public.test ( userid, object_id, user_notes, object_status, created_ts ) VALUES ( p_userid, p_obj_id, p_user_notes, p_obj_status, Case When p_created_ts Is Not Null Then p_created_ts Else ( -- You may want to be sure the field has a default value. SELECT d.adsrc -- or should it be d.adbin? FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d ON (a.attnum = d.adnum) WHERE a.attname = 'created_ts' AND a.attrelid = 'public.test'::REGCLASS AND d.adrelid = 'public.test'::REGCLASS ) End ); </code> Well (thinking it thoroughly) it won't work at all as is. It will just put the source code of the default expression but you would need to *interpret* it first. Looked for a way to do this (without `EXECUTE') but couldn't find it. Sorry. -- Diego Augusto Molina ES: Por favor, evite adjuntar documentos de Microsoft Office. SerĂ¡n desestimados. EN: Please, avoid attaching Microsoft Office documents. They shall be discarded. LINK: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: