On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Scott Ribe <scott_r...@elevated-dev.com> wrote:
> RAID-1 & RAID-10 are not ruled out, I'm just exploring options. And I'm not 
> actually wanting to use RAID 5; it's RAID 6 that I'm considering...

You have 4 disk bays and you want RAID-6?  How will that improve
anything over RAID-10?  You will have the same amount of available
space, and the writes will be slower.  Ok...there is *one* advantage:
you can lose any two drives at the same time and still survive, with
RAID-10 if you lose the wrong two drives you're hosed.

That said, on one of my production DB's, I have a 16-bay raid
enclosure and I run RAID-6 + hot spare.  It even has an Areca
controller made visible to the server as a single drive via fibre
channel.  Very sweet setup.

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