On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Scott Ribe
<scott_r...@elevated-dev.com> wrote:
> It's small enough that there's some other things going on at the same small 
> server with 4 disk bays ;-) My thinking was that write-back cache might 
> mitigate the poor write performance enough to not be noticed. This db doesn't 
> generally get big batch updates anyway, it's mostly a constant stream of 
> small updates coming in and I have a hard time imagining 256MB of cache 
> filling up very often. (I have at least a fuzzy understanding of how WAL 
> segments affect the write load.)

We run our internal dev server on RAID-6 and it works well enough.
Again, like your usage case, it doesn't get beat up too hard, so
RAID-6 works fine.  I prefer RAID-6 because it doesn't degrade as bad
as RAID-5 when a single drive fails, and of course it's still fully
redundant with a single drive failure.

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