> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-
> ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Grzegorz Jaskiewicz
> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:05 AM
> To: Achilleas Mantzios
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 9.0 or 9.1 ?
> It could be worth considering 9.1. Probably by the time you get
> production ready version, 9.1 will be already stable (few months I
> guess).
> The usual answer to that question is - it will be ready when its ready.

I would also ask, what is your (and your managements) tolerance for risk, and 
do you actually need any of the new features and/or performance benefits in 9.1?

Postgres does have an excellent track record for quality and stability with new 
releases, but a couple of months in the field isn't really considered stable in 
most places.


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