Depending on whether the vendor or user is expected to install and setup
PostgreSQL the issue is that the vendor should be contacting the list and
asking for help with one of their users/setups as opposed to the end-user
asking directly for help.  The end-user shouldn't be expected to have the
skill and knowledge to debug/fix their database setup if the vendor is
providing and setting up the database during install.

Now, if the vendor leaves PostgreSQL integration to the end-user then maybe
the end-user can be expected to make a somewhat informed choice as to which
back-end they wish to use and should be expected to at least be able to
assist in their own trouble-shooting if they plan to make use of community
resources.  In this case making the effort to isolate the problem with
respect to the software or the database.

Depending on the un-importance of data loss I would be surprised if a full
uninstall of both the software and PostgreSQL (including manual deletion of
any data directorie and maybe the user account) did not at least make the
software functional again.

As for the "working on commercial software" comment - that is true but in
most of those cases the interrogator is mostly able to separate the database
and the software and thus isolate and ask pointed questions.  When a
software end-user ends up asking about the database that ability is limited.
Hence why the software provider, and not the user, should be asking the

One last thought comes to mind is that having an "unsecure" distribution
that is much easier to setup and keep running, that can be used with desktop
deployment, may be something to consider to make having PostgreSQL a more
viable option for back-end integration.  IMO, currently PostgreSQL is
excellent for vertical deployment as opposed to horizontal deployment.
Having a PostgreSQL Lite configuration that is designed for horizontal
deployment is something to consider.  Personally I do not care but the
situation this thread implies stems from what appears to be a mis-match
between what the vendor needs and what PostgreSQL provides.

David J.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Adrian Klaver
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:44 PM
Cc: Merlin Moncure; Bruce Momjian; Alphadion
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL for Holdem Manager could not be installed.

On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 9:31:17 am Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Bruce Momjian <> wrote:
> > The larger question is whether these forums should be used to help 
> > people get support for commercial products that embed Postgres.
> I have no particular philosophical objection to helping people using 
> Holdem Manager -- I'd venture most people posting here asking for help 
> are working on commercial software, and I'd prefer people to come away 
> from this forum with a positive impression.
> It's not like we are getting 100 emails a day on this stuff.  This is 
> a participatory environment -- so what's the fuss?

Not only that, but should a particular product show up consistently it
becomes an opportunity, for those on this list that do offer commercial
support, to make a 'warm' call.

> That said, to the
> OP, on this issue you might have better luck on irc channel with this 
> type of problem.
> merlin

Adrian Klaver

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