On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:55:33 am Alphadion wrote:
> I tried to install any of the versions but it always gives that message
> "Could not connect to the database server, please check port 5432 and
>" or  something like that. I've opened a range of ports on my
> router's page, and also opened one in my computer through the firewall.
> Holdem Manager is a tracking software for playing poker online. It stores
> all yours and opponents' hands and uses Postgresql for that. It was working
> properly until one day when it just stopped, giving a message about
> inability to onnect to database server. I tried system restore and
> everything possible, including a teamviewer session with one of the Holdem
> Manager forums admins. Nothing helped...
> I dont want to reinstall the whole Windows as I'm not sure if it's going to
> work. I tried installing HM and postgres on another computer in the same
> network and it doesnt work on it too...

To get this moving please answer the questions I provided earlier:
What version of Postgres?
How was Postgres installed?
How do you know Postgres is not working?
Or is that Holdem is not finding Postgres?
Is all of this happening locally or is there a remote component?

In addition:
Anything happen a month ago when it stopped working?
        Software upgrade?
        Computer crash?

> --
> View this message in context:
> http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/PostgreSQL-for-Holdem-Manager-coul
> d-not-be-installed-tp3700954p3708616.html Sent from the PostgreSQL -
> general mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Adrian Klaver

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