On 3/7/2011 7:55 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On Monday, March 07, 2011 6:45:11 am Durumdara wrote:


How do I create "cursor" or "for select" in PGSQL with dynamic way?

For example

:tbl = GenTempTableName()

insert into :tbl...
insert into :tbl...
insert into :tbl...

for select :part_id from :tbl begin
     exec 'select count(*) from subitems where id = ?' using :part_id into


     update :tbl set sumof = :sumof where part_id=:part_id

Can you show me same example?
There are examples in the docs at the link provided. Though I would suggest
reading the pl/pgsql documentation from the beginning to get an idea of its
You won't find this easy. I've spent an awful lot of time the last two days trying to figure out how to pass variables between SQL and plpgsql, and the examples don't cover all the things you'd think you should be able to do but because Postgres SQL doesn't have variables. What it does have comes from psql and they seem to be more like text replacement placeholders than variables you can evaluate.

For example, I have a need for a tool that gets an initial record id from the user, then it looks up that key and finds the primary keys of two other tables related to the firstkey, then it looks those tables up and displays the data from each side by side so I can check the differences between the records. (Basically, it's a case of data from two vendors that carry a common key, and I'm just spot checking). I've been using interactive psql, but I thought an app as simple as this is in concept wouldn't be so hard to do, but it is if you don't know enough of what's in the API like, isn't there a function to enumerate a table's attributes?. Or how do you capture the results of a select that calls a function in SQL? (e.g.:
\set myResults

:myResults = SELECT myFunction();
-- this won't fly; nor will this:
SELECT INTO :myResults myFunction();

Anyway, I'm begining to see that I had some misconceptions about what you can do within SQL and what you're better off doing in plpgsql. Or C. Read the whole section on variables in the manual. That's very good advice. In fact, peruse it. Because if you read it lightly, you'll have to to go over it again and again.

But after reading your note, dynamic SQL seems like it might be just what I'm looking for too. Didn't realize it was an option, since I see it's documented near the end of the manual, and there's only so much RTFMing I can do at a sitting, so that's all new territory to me. But if it works like you've sketched out here... well I'm going to try it and see.

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